
Welcome, congressional workers! We are excited and grateful to have you in this movement!

We are a team of volunteers who are reaching out to all that have submitted their contact information through the form. It is our goal to reach everyone within a reasonable timeframe to begin the conversation regarding unionization, answer any questions you might have, and provide any resources you may need for this effort. The anonymity and safety of everyone in this effort is essential. Acknowledging this, we ask that you please download the Signal app on your phone in anticipation of our outreach. 

We are also attaching an FAQ for some additional helpful information to get you started.

Solidarity across party affiliation, ideological perspective, and among all junior staffers is essential. Regardless of whether you work in a local office or in D.C., or whether you work in a committee office or for a Member, we welcome your enthusiasm, skills, and expertise. This will take all of us! Looking forward to connecting with you. 

Yours in solidarity,



CWU Weekly Update!


CWU Happy Hour TONIGHT @ Metrobar